MKA’s Embodied Carbon Action Plan

Improving the sustainability of the built environment through embodied carbon reduction continues to be a focus for both MKA and our clients.  As industry leaders, we believe it’s our responsibility to foster innovative approaches to reduce structural embodied carbon, which is why MKA has renewed our pledge of commitment to SE2050 through the authoring of our 2024 Embodied Carbon Reduction Plan (ECAP). Our ECAP outlines:

  • Over 15 years of consistent commitment to embodied carbon reduction
  • Expert guidance that provides our projects with the use of life cycle assessments
  • Case studies that advance sustainability on our projects and showcase unique strategies for embodied carbon reduction
  • Management of the shifts in policy as embodied carbon reduction becomes part of federal, state, and local policies
  • Our impact on the industry with continued development of new tools and guides

Click here to download MKA’s complete ECAP. 

To learn more about SE2050’s goal to reach net zero embodied carbon structural systems by 2050, visit:

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